5 Effective content writing suggestions
5 Effective content writing suggestions
5 Effective content writing suggestions
Written By : HU Digital Labs

1: Write catchy Headline

The headline decides whether the audience will read your content or not. If the headline is not magnetic then simply you fail to achieve the desired results with your content.

2: Don’t use passive voice

Yes, that’s the point “don’t use passive voice” Active voice is simple and reader-friendly, whereas passive voice is not.

3: Avoid using First-Person

Don’t use language like “I”, For instance,” we are so excited to announce that or we work with several agencies, etc
Don’t use” i”, you should never place yourself in your branded blog post, Save that “I” for your personal blog.

4: Being overly formal

Writing in a formal note may perform well for academic articles but, on social media formal writing may have the opposite outcome, so using an overly formal tone may cause your content to lose communication, and using Simple language or tone encourages interaction.

5: Check your content before posting :

A simple and straightforward rule of content writing is to “check before post”, checking your content before posting will help ensure that your post is as well written as workable for your followers. “check before post” will help ensure that your writing is clear-cut and free from grammar errors, so must look-over your content before posting.

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